The SecuRope Lifeline System is permanently installed on a building or other structure which needs to be maintained by personnel exposed to the risk of a fall when carrying out their maintenance work. The SecuRope lifeline consists of a stainless steel wire rope fixed onto the supporting structure by anchors placed regularly along the cable. One or more persons can attach themselves to the cable by means of a mobile anchor point. The SecuRope lifeline enables the user to move freely to any point on the lifeline where there is a risk of falling without the need to detach themselves from the cable at any time. The anchor device is installed by competent persons that carries a certificate of “approved installer” issued by Fallprotec. All installations are carried out in conformity with the Securope Installer manual and are properly verified by calculation or testing.
Fallprotec systems conforms to standard EN 795 class C, certificate number 20461358 extensions 02/03/06.
The main specifications are:
• Number of users 4.
• Distance between two anchors 12 m.
• Tested in curves 90°.
• Energy absorbing devices built into intermediate and end anchors.
• No deformation of the anchor after a fall. System may be reset.
• Roof, wall or ceiling configuration.
• Rigging on cold deck, hot deck, and standing seam roof.