Site Inspection / Survey & Needs Analysis (Gap Analysis)
A visit to the client site to investigate and from a first-hand perspective observe tasks being performed, allows our specialists to provide you with a Needs Analysis that details the current requirements as posed by legislation, measured against the client’s own internal protocols, and what needs to be implemented to conform to legislative requirements.

Site Specific Risk Assessment
The Site Specific Risk Assessment aims to identify the on-site hazards and risks workers are exposed to, and to provide suggested controls to mitigate identified risks thereby ensure that employees are

Fall Protection Planning
Stemming from the site survey and needs analysis, a site specific risk assessment will identify any areas where workers are required to perform tasks at height. A site specific fall protection plan is documented that provides the client with a risk assessment pertaining to the work done at height as well as all required written safe working procedures. The documented risk assessment and fall protection plan also provides the client with suggested controls to mitigate the hazards / risks that employees are exposed to.

  • These mitigation controls includes:
    Task specific training requirements,
    Written safe work procedures,
    P.P.E. & Equipment requirements,
    Engineered controls that may be installed (fixed installed systems / structures),
    Technical specification and standard conformances required for all suggested controls.
    Photos used for Step-By-Step visual presentation of safe working procedures that may be used for training and induction purposes.

Safety File / Site File
As many OHSE professionals working for larger companies knows, dealing with small sub-contractors can often be very stressful due to the shortcomings in light of their OHSE requirements. One of the most basic requirements to be able to work on any client’s site, is the site or safety file. This file is a legal requirement that must be site specific and needs to be kept up to date and on site by the sub-contractor. With many years’ experience Hi-Safe Solutions can assist sub-contracting companies prepare, update and maintain their safety files.